Articles Posted in August, 2012

Zimmerman Defense Shutters Facebook Page


Last April, Mark O’Mara, the lawyer defending George Zimmerman against charges of second-degree murder in the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, did something unusual for a criminal defense lawyer — he launched a social media campaign for his client. He created a website and blog, a

Use of Cloud Most Common Among Small Firms, ABA Survey Says


Lawyers’ use of web-based software and services has grown only slightly in recent years, a new survey indicates. Growth in use of the cloud is greatest among solos and small firms and lawyers in these firms are more likely than their larger-firm counterparts to use cloud-based applications.

These are among the findings of the recently…

The Bluebook Goes Mobile (plus Five Free Downloads)


In 1926, the editor of the Harvard Law Review, Erwin Griswold, produced a pamphlet covering proper forms of legal citation. Originally published with a brown cover, the cover was changed to blue for the sixth edition in 1939 as a patriotic gesture to get away from a color associated with Nazi Germany. Now in its…

Clio Now Integrates with Google Drive


Earlier today, I published a post about the recently released ABA Legal Technology Survey’s findings on blogs and social media. A separate part of that survey looked at lawyers’ use of web-based software, more commonly referred to these days as “the cloud.” Interestingly,…