Court Websites use Chat to Interact with Public


“If a paralegal is having trouble in the electronic case files system, they can click and have a chat with a representative who will answer their question,” explains Norman Meyer, clerk of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for New Mexico. “You don’t need someone assigned specifically to the chat live. We already have a staff member…

Free Passes to LegalTech for Law Bloggers


Once again this year, legal bloggers are eligible for free passes to attend the LegalTech conference in New York, Jan. 30 to Feb. 1, 2012. This is a full-access pass, covering all programs and the exhibit hall. Also again this year, LegalTech is hosting a Blogger’s Breakfast on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at…

Tickle Your Clients from the Cloud with NotifyWorks


Elephants never forget. Unfortunately, attorneys and clients sometimes do. Consider the new web service NotifyWorks a virtual elephant for the law office. It remembers to remind your clients of important events that they otherwise might miss.

Say, for example, you represent a small business in negotiating a commercial lease that contains an option to renew that…