Sunshine Week launches a blog


I attended a conference this weekend where I heard Debra Gersh Hernandez, national coordinator of Sunshine Week, talk about plans for Sunshine Week 2006. Like the first event this year, the week will be devoted to raising public understanding of the importance of open government.

In the course of her talk, Hernandez announced…

Yahoo! unveils podcast searching


Yahoo! today introduced Yahoo! Podcasts, a beta tool for helping users find, listen to and record podcasts. It allows users to search for podcasts by keywords, by categories and by tags. It also has tutorials on how to listen to podcasts and how to record them.…

Entry deadlines loom for tech, small biz awards


The folks who bring you the magazines Law Technology News, Small Firm Business and Law Firm Inc. have not one but two contests to recognize innovation and best practices in the legal field, and both have entry deadlines that are fast approaching.…

Ruling sets precedent protecting anonymous bloggers


The Delaware Supreme Court yesterday handed down an important ruling that protects anonymous bloggers from attempts to unnmask them through libel lawsuits. This is the first ruling by a state supreme court on this matter. The court said that, if an elected official claims he has been defamed by an anonymous posting on a blog,…

Tom Mighell for Supreme Court?


Yesterday marked the first Monday in October, and you know what that means — Blawg Review #26, Supreme Court edition, by Tom Mighell.

Why not Tom for the Supreme Court? He has the key qualifications — he’s a lawyer and he’s from Texas. The court could use a justice with some Web savvy.…