Free Ben Cowgill …


… so that he may continue to blog for free.

At issue, as Ben explains in this post, is a rule in Ben’s home state of Kentucky that could require lawyers who blog to pay $50 every time they post. Kentucky lawyers must submit a copy of any advertising — broadly defined to include…

Lawyer-written bios? A scary thought


Catching up on some blog reading this morning, I almost choked on my coffee when I read this from Denise Howell:

“What I really want to see though is a firm using technology that lets lawyers (all and sundry, of course) readily customize their bios at will, on the fly, with information that really

A guide to law library blogs


University of Wisconsin law librarian and blogger Bonnie Shucha has compiled a list of law library blogs. She includes on the list only professional blogs targeted toward the legal community — blogs affiliated with a law library, blogs written by individual law librarians and blogs of law librarian associations.…

Thomson West acquires CourtEXPRESS


Thomson West today announced its acquisition of CourtEXPRESS, a company that provides online docket research and retrieval from U.S. and international courts. An announcement says:

“The acquisition is part of Thomson West’s broader strategy to provide reliable, authoritative docket, trial court document and court information solutions to legal professionals. The company’s products